Archive for December, 2014

Belfast Confetti: Transformation (Draft) Year 10


I can see the streaks of a gunfire as the riot squad tear down the doors. I can see suppressive fire whizzing past my eyes. I can see walls being blown out by mortar fire. I can see the light of the door, i can see the streets leading to Odessa street.


I can hear the loud thud of gun shots of the .22 and AK rounds behind me and the screams of suppressed SA-80’s. I can hear rapid and constant fire. I can hear  the screams of mortars.


I can feel the shrapnel, spread all over the floor. I can feel the blood, dripping from my wounds. I can feel the heat, of another explosive. I can feel the dust hit my face.


I can taste the led in the air. I can taste the dust in the air, from the buildings, torn down by the rapid fire. i can taste the blood, dripping down from my wounds.


I can smell the led in the air. I can smell the dust in the air, I can smell the sweat in the air, running for safety. I can smell the open air, no longer fresh from bomb fire as everything goes down.



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