I woke up, to the sound of this rusty old alarm, as per usual, in this tin shed, I call home. I proceeded to get ready for school, like every other day in the year, to train to become an ambition-less 9 to 5 office slave, owned by that rich bloke across the street. I walked to the train station, whilst looking at the dim skies, polluted by business owners, only seeking profit. I waited for the train, as the sickening odour of sweat travelled through my nostrils, but its nothing I’m not used to, living in this wasteland we are forced to call a city. I’m at school, glaring at these rotten, mouldy patches, on these century old walls, waiting for the deafening high pitched screech of the alarm to end this hellish nightmare.
I awoke in joy for the first day back school at 6am after doing my course work the previous night till 1am.
I hurriedly got ready, as I was becoming late for school, which I’d never want to be, as I want to fulfil my learning in life, and do quadratic equations, as there’s nothing more I’d like to do in life.