Archive for October, 2015

Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1 – 4 Summary – Y11

Scene 1 – rosencrantz and guildenstern tell Claudius there is nothing wrong with hamlet

Scene 2 – Hamlet tells the actors to perform a play, re enacting the death of his father , when Claudius killed him with the poison in his ear.

When the actors are performing the play, King Claudius leaves the play, angered, as he remembered what he did when he killed hamlets father.

Scene 3 – Hamlet was told to talk to his mother by polonius, but went to the Claudius to kill him.

Hamlet was going to kill him, but he was praying, which would mean be would go to heaven, if he repents himself, so hamlet doesn’t kill him and waits.

Scene 4 – hamlet is arguing with his mother, about how she married his father’s brother, which angered him, and how she was too ignorant to notice how he killed his father.

Whilst hamlet is angry, he is startled by a noise behind the curtains and stabs it thinking it is the king, and stabs polonius, without realising.


Hamlet Act 2 Scene 1- 2 Summary Y11

Act 2, Scene 1.

Polonius, reynaldo to spy on his son laertes, in Paris.

Othelia tells her father, polonius, that she was scared of hamlet, as he came in to her private room, half undressed.

Polinius talks to hamlet, and decides , that he is mad with love for Ophelia.


Act 2, Scene 2.

Claudius talks to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and tells them of the change in hamlets behaviour , and tells them to spy on hamlet, to find what is wrong with him.

Voltemand comes back from Norway and informs Claudius that the Norway are going to Poland, through Denmark, but they may attack Denmark on their passage through it.


Hamlet Act 1 Scene I – 5 Summary – Y11

Act 1

Scene 1- Barnado and Francisco change guard watch at the opening scene. They talk about Horatio who, is said to look like the recently dead king, appearing in the hours before dawn.

Scene 2-

The king speaks to the people, about his recent marriage, to the wife of the dead king, who is also his brother.

Horatio tells hamlet of the appearance of his father’s ghost, and hamlet says he will go see the ghost.

Scene 3- Ophelia is talking to laertes about her affection for Hamlet, the kings son. Laertes warns his sister, Ophelia, about hamlet, as he does not trust his actions. Polonious, the father of the two, enters the room, and follows Laertes on the point that she should not trust Hamlet.


Scene 4- hamlet is on watch with horatio and marcelus. They are waiting for the ghost. The king, who is hamlets step dad, and uncles fires cannons, walking around the castle drunken.

The ghost arrives, and beckons for hamlet alone.


Scene 5- hamlet talks to the ghost of his father, and talks about how he was killed by his brother, hamlets uncle, who married the queen to become king, by poison in the ear whilst he was sleeping.

The ghost requests hamlet to kill his step father, the king, in order to take revenge of what he did.

The other people askwhat happens, and hamlet doesn’t say.


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