Category: Communication

  • Touching The Void Summary, Chapter 1 and 2. – Y11

    Chapter 1 – Beneath The Mountain Lakes The narrator, and author of the book Joe Simpson, and his friend Simon are at the bottom of the mountain, looking around the area, trying to get a general idea of the types of terrain and weather patterns of the mountain Siula Grande. They talk to their friend…

  • Hamlet Act 5 Scene 1- 2

    Scene 1 – The gravediggers are talking amongst themselves, whether Ophelia killed herself, or whether she was killed, by drowning, or if she should get a Christian burial, if she killed herself. The gravediggers sing amongst themselves. As the funeral starts, hamlet notices the people there, as he sees Claudius, Laertes and Gertrude. When Ophelia…

  • Hamlet Act 4 Scene 1- 7 Summary – Y11

    Scene 1 – The king asks the queen where hamlet was, and she tells the king that hamlet killed Polonius. Gertrude calls Hamlet crazy, and the kind decides to punish him, by sending him to England. Scene 2 – Rosencrantz and Guildenstern find out where hamlet put the body, after being asked by the king..…

  • Anti-Hero Reading Project Y11: Book 3

    Title: Dexter, Darkly Dreaming Author/Director: Jeff Lindsay Text Type:  Fiction Information on Genre, Style and Theme: The first book of the series, ‘Dexter, Darkly Dreaming’ is a fictional story, from the eyes of a forensics officer, Dexter Morgan. The book starts with Dexter hiding in a priest car, the attacking him once he gets in to drive, and…

  • Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1 – 4 Summary – Y11

    Scene 1 – rosencrantz and guildenstern tell Claudius there is nothing wrong with hamlet Scene 2 – Hamlet tells the actors to perform a play, re enacting the death of his father , when Claudius killed him with the poison in his ear. When the actors are performing the play, King Claudius leaves the play,…

  • Hamlet Act 2 Scene 1- 2 Summary Y11

    Act 2, Scene 1. Polonius, reynaldo to spy on his son laertes, in Paris. Othelia tells her father, polonius, that she was scared of hamlet, as he came in to her private room, half undressed. Polinius talks to hamlet, and decides , that he is mad with love for Ophelia.   Act 2, Scene 2.…

  • Hamlet Act 1 Scene I – 5 Summary – Y11

    Act 1 Scene 1- Barnado and Francisco change guard watch at the opening scene. They talk about Horatio who, is said to look like the recently dead king, appearing in the hours before dawn. Scene 2- The king speaks to the people, about his recent marriage, to the wife of the dead king, who is…

  • Now and Then (Draft) – IGCSE Component 1

    2nd person, present tense Then: It’s hot and humid, you sit on the middle of the boat, resting your head on the hollow, silver boom, as it gently swings back and forth. You look up at the main sail, creased, and still, as no air fills it. You take a deep breath, relaxing in the moment…

  • Example

  • Futility – Y11

    1- Define words: Rouse:  To bring something out of sleep. Make angry, or excited Fatuous: Something that is foolish, or pointless 2- Simplified: 3- Language Effects: Personifications, “Think how it wakes the seed”, this personifies the seed and the sun, which “wakes the seed”, and “to break earth’s sleep”, personifying the earth, as it sleeps.…