20 Step Summary Of Animal Farm. Y9

1. The animals are being controlled by the humans and Jones the farm leader.

2. The animals and mainly the pigs, snowball and Napoleon plan to overthrow Jones from being leader and take control of Manor Farm.

3. The animals fight Jones and the other humans and Snowball, the pig knocks down Jones and does the most work in the battle and gets shot across his back.

4. The animals take the gun from the battle to shoot every year by the Manor Farm flag to remember the battle which they called the battle of cowshed because the battle happens next to the cow sheds. The animals then changed the name of Manor farm to the animal farm.

5. Snowball made a list of Seven commandments,
The Seven Commandments:
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.

6. Snowball and Napoleon we’re wanting more power so they made speeches for people to decide who would be leader.

7. Snowball’s speech was to make a windmill that generates electricity but it wouldn’t be easy and the animals would have to work hard but at the end they would get more rations, have to do less work and they would get to retire earlier.

8. Napoleons speech was very simple then he ordered his 9 dogs, which he took when they puppies to “educate” them but he trained them to be his guards/soldiers and made them chase snowball.

9. Snowball had written his plan to build the windmill and when he left Napoleon urinated on his diagrams to build the windmill.

10. Snowball had to leave the farm and he wasn’t seen after.

11. Napoleon is now the leader of the Animal Farm and he reduces the seven commandments to one command, “Four legs good, two legs bad”.






2 responses to “20 Step Summary Of Animal Farm. Y9”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    This is a very detailed and effective summary so far, Thabit. It’s almost perfect aside from a couple of minor spelling or typing errors. Keep this up!


  2. François Pachins Avatar
    François Pachins

    That is a pretty impressive summary of this novel. Thanks for your ongoing efforts. François
