The Great Depression – To Kill A Mocking Bird, Y10 (Draft

Group work: Thabit, Jakob, Louis & Henry

Thabit s peice on effect on the people.


The book, to kill mockingbird is set during the 1930’s when the Great Depression happened in USA and affected the whole world.

The depression was caused by over production, meaning that the price for goods was majorly lowered, to a point farmers could not make a good living, as their products were so inexpensive they couldn’t make any money.

Farmers were the people hit the greatest by the depression.

The book is set in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama, USA, during 1930’s, which is evident from when Atticus talks about the farmers who got hit greatest by the depression “The Cuninghams are country folk and the depression hit them the hardest”.

In to kill a mocking bird, the Cunninghams are the poorest people who lived in maycomb.







